This was session three of our five-week sprint. Take a look at what was on offer:
We saw great maker mindset in person when the laptops could barely hold on a charge — they had gotten a workout during the day — and the students went with the flow and flexibly swapped out laptops to make things work. That’s the kind of approach to life we like to see!
The popular stations this week were definitely toy take apart (with Ben this time as your mentor) and the Roominate kit.
Check out our makers in action!
Two pairs of hands make toy takeapart a lot faster!
This mechanical Santa had so much to unpack that it took three pairs of hands! Who knew Santa’s arms were wires but that his legs actually have knees? Poor Santa — but so interesting to take apart!
It’s great to spread out with the LEGOs. We have a fuller box this year, so there are plenty of bricks for inspiration.
M realizes that he can connect a motor from the Roominate box to some fluff left over from last week’s take apart. Not only does the motor attach itself into the fluff, it can actually twist it into yarn. Check out the video below!
Who knew we could invent a knitting machine?
Here are some things we are learning:
- It’s a new thing to use a screwdriver!
- “Lefty loosey, righty tighty.”
- Press down with the screwdriver while you turn it.
- The inside of toys can be a big surprise!
For more photos from this week, check out this week’s Flickr album.